A) Genetic ablation of ASI sensory neurons increased peroxide resistance. (
B) Gene expression levels within the genomic region encoding the three
C. elegans catalase genes. Because these genes contain multiple regions with perfect identity, we determined the relative genome coverage of reads (including multimaps) between
daf-7(ok3125) mutants and wild-type animals using BEDTools (
Quinlan and Hall, 2010) and plotted the mean read count across six samples normalized using scran (
Lun et al., 2016). Gene models show the positions and splicing pattern of each catalase gene, regions with 100% nucleotide identity (orange and green), and unique regions (grey and purple). (
C) The peroxisomal catalase
ctl-2(ok1137) did not suppresses the increased peroxide resistance of
daf-1(m40). (
D) Representative pictures of the low, medium, high and very high expression categories of the
chIs166[Pctl-1::ctl-1::gfp] reporter. Scale bar = 100 µm. Statistical analyses are in
Supplementary file 8.