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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2019 Dec 10;5(5):530–541. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2019.11.013

Table 6.

Most likely correlation (r) values, 95% posterior credible intervals (CIs), Bayes factors (BF10) and frequentist p-values for correlational relationships between ROI activations and the DDM parameters indexing caution (a) and non-decision time (Ter). The first column lists the contrast, anatomical region, and MNI coordinates (x, y and z in parentheses) for each ROI. For p-values: bolded=survives FDR correction for multiple comparisons within each family of tests (families defined by DDM parameters)

Caution (a) Non-decision (Ter)
Region r [CI] BF10 p r [CI] BF10 p
SI/GO L. Inferior Frontal (−35,21,−9) −.09[−.25,.07] 0.19 0.281 −.09[−.25,.08] 0.18 0.296
SI/GO L. Middle Frontal (−46,25,25) −.00[−. 16,. 16] 0.11 0.994 −.01 [−. 17,. 15] 0.11 0.910
SI/GO L. Supramarginal (−59,−50,35) −.12[−.27,.05] 0.26 0.172 −.08[−.24,.08] 0.17 0.320
SI/GO Medial Frontal (2,22,41) −.11 [−.26,.06] 0.23 0.211 −.07[−.23,.10] 0.15 0.419
SI/GO L. Medial Frontal (−38,59,3) −.08[−.24,.09] 0.16 0.345 −.01 [−. 17,. 16] 0.11 0.955
SI/GO R. Inferior Frontal (51,14,25) −.06[−.22,.11] 0.13 0.483 −.06[−.22,.10] 0.14 0.473
SI/GO R. Inferior Frontal (39,24,−10) −.09[−.25,.08] 0.18 0.305 −.24[−.38,−.08] 5.96 0.004
SI/GO R. Inferior Parietal (51,−50,41) −.12[−.28,.04] 0.30 0.146 −.17[−.32,−.01] 0.82 0.041
SI/GO R. Middle Frontal (46,39,24) −.07[−.23,.10] 0.14 0.431 −.07[−.23,.10] 0.14 0.428
SI/GO R. Superior Frontal (13,18,58) −.12[−.27,.05] 0.28 0.161 −.06[−.22,.10] 0.13 0.478
SI/GO R. Superior Temporal (63,−20,−5) −. 18[−.33,.−.02] 1.07 0.030 −.12[−.27,.05] 0.28 0.161
FI/GO Anterior Cingulate (0,22,38) −.01 [−. 17,. 15] 0.11 0.883 .07[−.09,.23] 0.15 0.385
FI/GO L. Insula/IFG (−38,20,−6) .02[−.14,.18] 0.11 0.801 . 16[−.00,.32] 0.68 0.052
FI/GO L. Parietal (−62,−44,34) .07[−.10,.22] 0.14 0.442 .08[−.08,.24] 0.17 0.327
FI/GO L. Striatum (−12,10,−10) .14[−.03,.29] 0.38 0.106 . 14[−.02,.30] 0.45 0.087
FI/GO R. Insula/IFG (42,18,−6) .03[−.13,.19] 0.11 0.710 .13[−.04,.28] 0.33 0.127
FI/GO R. Parietal (58,−44,30) .14[−.02,.30] 0.42 0.093 .06[−.10,.22] 0.14 0.457
FI/GO R. Striatum (14,10,−10) .10[−.06,.26] 0.22 0.220 . 18[.02,.33] 1.04 0.031
FI/GO R. pre-SMA (4,30,54) .04[−.12,.20] 0.12 0.629 −.03 [−. 19,. 14] 0.11 0.755