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. 2020 May 5;11:808. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00808


Results of the analysis of textual organization and informative content on the narrative production task in the groups of participants with ASD and TLD.

Analysis of textual construction and informative Content ASD TLD
% Local coherence errors* 38.81 (31.17) 8.28 (8.61)
% Global coherence errors * 23.49 (15.79) 7.72 (8.77)
% Lexical informativeness* 62.00 (22.19) 83.05 (9.82)
%Thematic selection* 21.18 (12.59) 37.67 (11.84)

Asterisks show when the group-related difference was significant after Bonferroni correction for muplitple comparisons (p < 0.013). ASD, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; TLD, children with Typical Language Development.