Table 3.
Microbial evaluation of dehulled brown Rondo rice (BRR) and germinated brown rice (GBR) before (control) and after rinsing, using 30 and 300 ppm peracetic acid
Rice type a | Treatment |
Aerobic plate b count (cfu/g) |
Molds (cfu/g) | Yeast (cfu/g) b |
BRR | Control | 387,778 | 360 | 4,257 |
Rinsed | 160,000* c | 212 | 19,108* | |
GBR | 399,167 | 130* | 24,500* | |
30‐PA GBR | 570,000 | 70* | 27,000* | |
300‐PA GBR | 570,000 | 10* | 26,000* | |
WR | 653 | 9,033 | 0 |
BRR control is the brown Rondo rice, which was water rinsed (BRR rinsed), peracetic acid rinsed (30‐PA and 30‐PA for 30 and 300 ppm), and then germinated (GBR). Rondo white rice (WR) data are provided as a comparison but were technically not the same experiment so statistics were not applied.
The minimum yeast and mold count detection limit was 10, and 570,000 the maximum TPC (aerobic plate count).
Means highlighted with an asterisk (*) are significantly different from the BRR (control) according to Dunnett's test at p < .05.