Table 3.
G2/M cell cycle-related genes
Gene name | Gene symbol | Affymetrix ID | WT adenoma |
Null adenoma |
Cell division cycle 2 homolog A | Cdc2a | 1448314_at | 6.12 | 2.39 |
Cell division cycle 25 homolog B | Cdc25b | 1421963_a_at | 0.63 | 1.35 |
Checkpoint kinase 1 homolog | Chek1 | 1450677_at | 0.13 | 0.20 |
Checkpoint kinase 2 homolog | Chek2 | 1422747_at | 0.76 | 0.43 |
Cyclin B1 | Ccnb1 | 1448205_at | 1.51 | 3.38 |
Cyclin B2 | Ccnb2 | 1450920_at | 4.23 | 13.03 |
Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 | Cdk7 | 1451741_a_at | 5.21 | 0.46 |
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (P21) | Cdkn1a | 1421679_a_at | 1.11 | 0.56 |
Growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible 45 alpha | Gadd45a | 1449519_at | 7.09 | 0.78 |
Myelin transcription factor 1 | Myt1 | 1422773_at | 0.94 | 0.31 |
Transformation related protein 53 | Trp53 | 1427739_a_at | 1.64 | 1.80 |
Data are expressed as the ratio of gene expression to those of respective normal liver exposed to 0.01% DEHP in WT and 0.05% DEHP in Null (respective normal level=1). WT, hepatocellular adenoma tissues of wild-type mice; Null, hepatocellular adenoma tissues of Pparα-null mice (n=1).