Fig. 5. Primary motor cortex tracks decision value.
a Whole-brain ∣DVt∣ contrast from GLM 2. Single voxels were thresholded at p < 0.001 and cluster FWE correction was applied at significance level α = 0.05. The ROI in left primary motor cortex (left M1; peak MNI [ − 38 − 8 62]) was used in the subsequent confirmatory analysis (10 mm sphere around the peak voxel). b Cross-subject Pearson correlation between the BIC in left M1, quantifying the extent to which neural activity in that region is captured by GLM 2 (lower BIC indicates better fit), and average performance. c Cross-subject Pearson correlation between the BIC in left M1 and model log likelihood, quantifying the extent to which the subject's choices are consistent with the UCB/Thompson hybrid model. r: Pearson correlation coefficient.