Table 1.
Demographic and clinical characteristics of COPD patients at baseline
Outpatient (Stable Disease)n = 240 | |
Age: mean Years (SD) | 69.40 (6.87) kg/m2 |
BMI: mean (SD) | 23.49 (4.35) |
Ethnicity: % (n) | |
Malay | 24.5 (60) |
Chinese | 44.2 (106) |
Tamil | 29.2 (69) |
Others | 2.08 (5) |
Smoking Status: % (n) | |
Current Smoker | 11.6 (28) |
Ex-Smoker | 77.9 (187) |
Non-Smoker | 10.4 (25) |
Post-bronchodilator Spirometry: Mean (SD) | |
FEV1/FVC | 51.72 (12.75) |
FEV1 (%) | 55.27 (14.84) |
Mean (95% CI) SGRQ-CM scores at different disease stage: GOLD Classification (% Predicted FEV1) | |
l (> 80%) | 41.89 (29.45–54.34) |
ll (50–79%) | 45.26 (41.32–49.19) |
lll (30–49%) | 53.52 (47.52–59.52) |
lV (< 30%) | 64.30 (56.72–71.87) |
Mean (95% CI)SGRQ-CM scores at different disease stage: mMRC Dyspnea grade | |
Grade 0 | 29.24 (25.9–32.58) |
Grade 1 | 32.46 (29–35.91) |
Grade 2 | 47.90 (42.2–53.57) |
Grade 3 | 57.77 (53.3–62.16) |
Grade 4 | 66.36 (60.8–71.85) |
Health status instrument Score: mean (SD) | |
CAT | 16.52 (6.85) |
EQ-5D-5 L UI | 0.62 (0.23) |
EQ-VAS | 59.24 (17.30) |
mMRC | 2.31 (1.31) |
SGRQ-CM Scores: mean (SD) | |
Symptom | 55.44 (19.98) |
Activity | 58.43 (18.78) |
Impact | 43 (20.71) |
Total Score | 49.93 (18.61) |
BMI Body mass index in kg/m2, COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, CAT COPD assessment test, EQ-5D-5 L UI European Quality of life 5-Dimension 5-Level questionnaire Utility index score, EQ-VAS European Quality of life 5-Dimension 5-Level questionnaire Visual analogue score, FEV1 Forced expiratory volume in 1 s, FVC Forced vital capacity, GOLD Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, mMRC modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale, SGRQ-CM St George’s Respiratory COPD specific Questionnaire Malaysian version, SD Standard deviation