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. 2020 Apr 29;8(4):2325967120915698. doi: 10.1177/2325967120915698

Table 3.

Clinical and Functional Outcomesa

No. of Studies No. of Patients MD/RR (95% CI) P Value
 Absolute scoreb 4 287 –2.18 (–4.29 to –0.07) .04
 Improvementc 4 287 0.20 (–2.65 to 3.05) .89
 Absolute scoreb 4 287 –1.87 (–3.90 to 0.15) .07
 Improvementc 4 287 –1.98 (–6.93 to 2.98) .43
 Absolute scoreb 2 157 –0.53 (–1.09 to 0.04) .07
 Improvementc 2 157 –0.10 (–0.69 to 0.49) .75
Knee AP stability 3 202 0.73 (0.23 to 2.34) .59

aAP, anteroposterior; IKDC, International Knee Documentation Committee; MD, mean difference; RR, risk ratio.

bAt 1 to 2 years after index surgery.

cDifference between the last follow-up and baseline.