Figure 1.
Absence of Cdh2 from postmitotic interneurons affects the tangential migration but not the proliferation. (A, B) Cdh2 mRNA is expressed in the ganglionic eminences of E14.5 +/+ mice (Dlx5/6-Cre+/+;Ncadfl/fl;Gad65-GFP; black arrows mark the VZ; black + marks the SVZ-migratory zone). Dlx5/6-Cre activity eliminates Cdh2 selectively from the subpallial postmitotic zone and striatum of the −/− (Dlx5/6-CreCre/+;Ncadfl/fl;Gad65-GFP) embryos. Note that similar effect is not detectable in the VZ of the ganglionic eminences, in the thalamus, or in the pallial SVZ. (C, D) Lack of Cdh2 causes migration delay of GFP-positive interneurons in −/− E14.5 embryos. (E) Statistical analysis shows significantly less GFP-positive interneuron in the pallium of the −/− embryos. Two-tailed unpaired t-test, +/+: n = 3, 10.7 ± 0.7488; −/−: n = 3, 3.552 ± 0.3895; P < 0.0001. Graph shows raw data points and means ± SEM. (F–H) Elimination of postmitotic Cdh2 does not affect the proliferation in the ganglionic eminence of Cdh2 −/− animals at E13.5. Statistical analysis: 2-tailed Mann–Whitney U test, P = 0.1389; +/+: n = 3; −/−: n = 3. Graph shows raw data points and medians ± interquartile range (IQR). n indicates the number of mice per group. Scale bars indicate 100 μm (A–D) and 25 μm (F,G); cp: cortical plate, h: hippocampus, th: thalamus, str: striatum.