Algorithm 1. The optimization steps of parameters using PSO. |
Step 1: Input the training and testing data, initialize the parameters and of SVDD model, and set the searchable range of the parameters. |
Step 2: Initialize the particle swarm, including the population size , acceleration constants and , inertia weight , maximum number of iterations , and the particle speed and position. |
Step 3: Determine the individual extremum of the initial position and the optimal position of the particle swarm. |
Step 4: Calculate the fitness value of the new position of each particle in the swarm. |
Step 5: Compare the current optimal position of each particle with the optimal position of the particle swarm and update the optimal solution to the current optimal position of particle swarm. |
Step 6: Update the speed and position of the particle. |
Step 7: Determine whether the SVDD model with the current parameters can minimize the error rate or reach the maximum number of iterations. If one of them is satisfied, the optimal parameters and are obtained. Otherwise, return to step 4 to recalculate the particle fitness value. |