Figure 4.
Real neurofeedback training sped up the RT in subsequently cued movement, but not sham feedback. A, The RT for each individual hemisphere (left) and group-averaged RT (right) in training, T, and no training conditions, N, during real feedback. B, The RT for each individual hemisphere (left) and group-averaged RT (right) in training and no training conditions during sham feedback. The dots with crosses indicate the means and cross-trial SEMs for each tested hemisphere (some data points appear to have no error bars because the lines corresponding to SEMs are shorter than the diameter of the point). The shading of the dots indicates the difference between no training and training conditions, with darker blue and orange indicating higher measurement in the training and no training conditions, respectively. The x-axis of the histogram on the diagonal refers to the difference between no training and training conditions (N-T) and the y-axis refers to the number of cases. The red dotted line indicates zero. The error bar plots show the mean and SEM across all tested hemispheres in different conditions. ***p < 0.001.