Figure 2.
Study selection process.
Note: PA = physical activity; SB = sedentary behaviour.
Full text exclusions:
(1) Interventions focussed on overall “arthritis self-management” (to include several topics, eg, medication, pain management, nutrition, problem solving etc.), were excluded to provide a more focussed overview of the current literature (n = 10).35–44
**Articles reporting interventions targeting PA/sedentary behaviour and one other behaviour (eg, medication adherence, nutrition) were included, as it was deemed that PA promotion/sedentary behaviour reduction were major components of these interventions; (2) Interventions where changes in PA or sedentary behaviour were not assessed/reported as an outcome (n = 3, where this could not be determined at the title/abstract screening stage),45–47 interventions that were not behavioural (n = 1),48 and those targeting RA and another population, where interventions effects on RA could not be isolated (n = 1).49
(3) Articles describing protocols for RCTs yet to be completed or reported on (n = 7).50–56
(4) Studies reporting secondary results for included interventions, but for which change in PA or sedentary behaviour was not the focus (eg, reporting the economic cost of the intervention) (n = 9).57–65 Reference lists of relevant systematic review articles were also searched,12,13,66–69 but no additional articles meeting inclusion criteria were identified.