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. 2019 Nov 26;2:e12. doi: 10.1017/pen.2019.9

Table 2.

F-, P- and Inline graphic-values for the main and interaction effects in the analyses of covariance with the factor Condition (Pain vs. Baseline), Coronal and Sagittal topography in the 2 × 3 × 5 factorial design for EEG band power measures

ANCOVA Beta: covariate = NPS Delta: covariate = FFFS Delta: covariate = BIS Gamma: covariate = FFFS
2 Condition × 3 Sagittal × 5 Coronal × Covariate F P Inline graphic F P Inline graphic F P Inline graphic F P Inline graphic
Covariate 4.05 .080 0.684 0.13 .850 0.002 6.15 .048 0.110 1.46 .5379 0.026
Condition 1.99 .194 0.031 1.48 .521 0.020 0.17 .811 0.003 1.08 538 0.019
Condition × Covariate 2.12 .194 0.031 1.00 .521 0.020 0.02 .881 0.000 1.11 .538 0.021
Coronal plane 0.38 .699 0.007 19.75 .0001 0.390 33.70 .0001 0.890 3.28 .1343 0.058
Coronal plane × Covariate 1.81 .194 0.021 1.23 .521 0.023 3.79 .059 0.071 2.23 .2633 0.029
Coronal Plane × Condition × Covariate 1.19 .343 0.022 1.23 .521 0.023 2.87 .093 0.051 10.40 .0001 0.164
Sagittal plane 8.45 .013 0.116 0.20 .850 0.004 0.70 .560 0.013 7.02 .013 0.117
Sagittal plane × Covariate 3.70 .078 0.080 0.01 .947 0.0002 0.12 .844 0.002 1.46 .549 0.021
Coronal × Sagittal 4.81 .031 0.075 1.97 .947 0.037 2.46 .093 0.046 0.75 .758 0.014
Sagittal × Condition × Covariate 5.69 .030 0.110 0.94 .521 0.018 2.33 .188 0.043 1.12 .538 0.019
Coronal × Sagittal × Condition 4.73 .0001 0.143 1.97 .394 0.037 1.91 .188 0.034 0.69 .7583 0.012
Coronal × Sagittal × Covariate 2.69 .043 0.034 1.30 .521 0.022 1.95 .176 0.037 0.50 .858 0.008
Coronal × Sagittal × Covariate × Condition 3.04 .031 0.094 3.31 .007 0.090 2.44 .049 0.041 0.74 .7583 0.014

P values are corrected using FDR method. Bold entries indicate significant values.