Response rate 1:
Minimum response rate. All individuals who complete more than 80% of survey / All attempted calls |
9.9% |
Response rate 2:
All individuals who complete more than 50% of survey / All attempted calls |
10.1% |
Response rate 3:
All individuals who complete more than 80% of survey / All attempted calls minus 80% of calls with unknown eligibility |
68.0% |
Response rate 4:
All individuals who complete more than 50% of survey / All attempted calls minus 80% of calls with unknown eligibility |
70.4% |
Cooperation Rates |
Cooperation rate 1:
All individuals who complete more than 80% of survey / Eligible individuals who were ever contacted |
94.7% |
Cooperation rate 2:
All individuals who complete more than 50% of survey / Eligible individuals who were ever contacted |
97.1% |
Refusal Rate |
Refusal rate 3:
All individuals who refused to complete the survey / All attempted calls |
3.1% |
Contact Rate |
Contact rate 1:
All phone numbers that answered the call / All phone numbers |
10.4% |
Contact rate 2:
All phone numbers that answered the call / All attempted calls minus 80% of calls with unknown eligibility |
74.9% |