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. 2019 Aug 28;3:2470547019871901. doi: 10.1177/2470547019871901

Table 3.

Binary logistic regression model predicting group membership (aggression vs. control) with ETI, LSRP-1, LSRP-2, and T/C ratio as predictor variables.

Predictor B Standard error Wald statistic p Exp B (odds ratio) 95% confidence interval
Lower Upper
T/C ratio 0.25 .40 0.38 .537 1.28 0.59 2.78
ETI 0.19 .09 4.40 .036 1.21 1.01 1.44
LSRP-1 −0.08 .06 1.80 .179 0.92 0.82 1.04
LSRP-2 0.55 .12 22.29 <.001 1.73 1.38 2.18

Note: R2 = .71 (Nagelkerke). Model χ2(1) = 75.67, p < .001. ETI: Early Trauma Inventory; LSRP-1: Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy factor 1; LSRP-2: Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy factor 2; T/C: testosterone/cortisol.