Negative correlation of state depersonalization/derealization
with resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) between the
left pedunculopontine nucleus and the right thalamus (anterior
nucleus) in PTSD+DS. ROI approach: RsFC results are reported at
a local significance threshold of p < .0125,
FWE corrected (additionally adjusted for number of ROIs); only
voxels surviving the latter threshold are displayed (binary, MNI
space). Correlation with rsFC is displayed in red. The seed
region (PPN) is displayed in green. The scatterplot represents
the relationship between the extracted beta weights of the rsFC
of the lPPN with the right anterior nucleus of the thalamus and
state depersonalization/derealization. Derea: derealization;
Deperso: depersonalization; lPPN: left pedunculopontine nucleus;
rAntNucl: right anterior thalamic nucleus; RS: resting state;
PTSD+DS: dissociative subtype of post-traumatic stress disorder;
[x, y, z] = [x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate].