Figure 2. The expression levels of key chromatin regulatory genes are associated with anthracycline response.
Panels A, B, C: Kaplan-Meier plot of anthracycline treated and non-treated patients (N=760 patients) stratified by high versus low expression of key CRGs (BCL11A, KAT6B, KDM4B). P-value from a two-sided logrank test Panels D, E, F: Cox Proportional Hazards model of the probability of overall survival (adjusted by hormone receptor status, Her2 status, lymph node status, tumor size, MKI67 expression and cohort) for low expression (median expression less one standard deviation). Grey shading corresponds to 95% confidence intervals. Panels G, H, I: Same as above, but for high expression (measured as median expression plus one standard deviation) of CRGs. Panels J, K, L: Hazard plot illustrating the Cox Proportional log relative Hazard by CRG expression levels in treated versus untreated samples. Importantly, this corresponds to a threshold-free representation of the hazards. Grey shading corresponds to 95% confidence intervals.