Fig. 1.
DRG exposed to the secretome of OB-lineage cells have reduced axonal networks. a Scheme of the experimental setup and timeline employed in these experiments. b Representative images of the axonal network of DRG after 48 h exposure to osteogenic medium (OM), and conditioned medium of undifferentiated (MSC CM), immature (D7 OB CM), and mature OB (D21 OB CM) (blue—DAPI; green—βIII-tubulin; dashed circles—DRG core; scale bar—200 µm). Quantification of the area of axonal outgrowth (c) and the core of the ganglion (d) in the different conditions. Results are presented as floating bar graphs (line represents the mean value, and the number above each bar represents the number of ganglia that were analyzed; *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.000 1, ns non-significant)