Figure 6.
Absence of MCT8 in NSCs Compromises Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis
(A) Mct8fl/+ females were bred with males carrying Nestin-CreERT2 and Rfp reporter alleles to generate Mct8+/y, Nestin-CreERT2, Rfp (control), and Mct8fl/y, Nestin-CreERT2, Rfp (MCT8-NSC KO) littermates. Tamoxifen was given for 5 consecutive days at 4 weeks of age and animals were perfused at 6 months of age.
(B) Number of RFP+ (magenta)/GFAP+ (yellow)/SOX2+ (cyan) NSCs per mm SGZ and their percentage contribution to all RFP+ cells was determined.
(C–F) Relative numbers of RFP+ (magenta; arrowheads)-labeled activated NSCs (KI67+ [yellow]/GFAP+ [cyan]) (C), proliferating cells (KI67+; cyan) and proliferating DCX+ (yellow) cells (D), apoptotic cells (caspase-3+; green) (E), DCX+ (cyan)/CR−(yellow) type 2b progenitors/NBs, and RFP+/DCX+/CR+ INs (arrows) (F).
(G) Ratio of RFP+ (magenta)/CB+ (green) GCNs (arrowheads) over all RFP+ cells. Hoechst 33258-labeled cell nuclei are depicted in blue. n = 5 mice per genotype. Group means + SEM are shown.∗∗, p < 0.01, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test.