Figure 1.
RVS Reorganizes SAC Center-Surround Receptive Field
(A) Left: schematics of the direction-selective (DS) circuit, side view. Middle: a DSGC with one innervating SAC, top view. Dashed box denotes SAC processes that are oriented in the DSGC’s ND, providing it with GABAergic inhibition. Right: On-SAC antagonistic center-surround organization.
(B) Average current-clamp recordings of an example On-SAC in response to a 2-s bright spot (50-μm radius) in dark-adapted (DA; black) conditions and following RVS (gray). RVS is illustrated in the center. Dashed line denotes the baseline voltage.
(C) On-Off index of On-SACs in DA conditions and following RVS. Dashed lines connect values of the same cell; bold line represents the cell in (B). Group means and SD are indicated on the side by circles and error bars.
(D) Average voltage-clamp recordings (Vhold = −60 mV) from an example On-SAC in response to 2-s static rings of eight different radii (specified in the center; five are illustrated on the left), in DA conditions and following RVS. Black and gray dots denote the periods used for the population analysis in (E).
(E) Maximal amplitude (mean ± SEM) of the excitatory currents as a function of ring radius in DA conditions and following RVS for light onset and offset (continuous and dashed lines, respectively). Dashed vertical line denotes the distal boundary of SAC excitatory receptive field.
For all panels, asterisks indicate statistical significance (∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.005). Numbers of cells in each group are in brackets. BC, bipolar cell; CF, centrifugal; CP, centripetal; ND, null direction; PD, preferred direction.