RVS Abolishes SAC CF Preference and Shifts Its Response Time
(A) Left: illustration of the stimulus. Right: average current-clamp recordings from an example On-SAC in response to CF and CP motion in DA conditions (top) and following RVS (bottom).
(B) One-cycle waveforms of On-SAC population responses to CF and CP rings (mean ± SEM) in DA conditions (top) and following RVS (bottom). Black and white bars denote the ring’s location with respect to the SAC processes (proximal and distal processes for CF and CP motion, respectively).
(C) A-DSI of On-SAC population in DA conditions and following RVS.
(D and E) Rise time (D) and response delay (E) of CF and CP motion responses in DA conditions and following RVS.
(F) Colored rings depict the location of the ring’s leading edge relative to SAC (white ring for DA, black for RVS) at the time of average response onset depicted in (E).
For (C)–(E), group means and SD are indicated on the side by circles and error bars. Bold lines represent the cell in (A). Asterisks indicate statistical significance (**p < 0.005).