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. 2020 May 6;13:961–969. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S242126

Table 1.

Group Characteristics

Continuous Variables NHW (N=144) NA (N=138) t p
Age (years) 28.56 13.50 31.41 13.30 −1.781 0.076
Body mass index (kg/m2) 24.25 3.80 26.14 4.64 −3.702 <0.001
Categorical Variables N % N % χ2 p
Sex (female) 68 47.2% 87 63.0% 7.126 0.008
Education 5.034 0.539
 <7th Grade 1 0.7% 1 0.7%
 <High School 2 1.4% 7 5.1%
 High School Grade 19 13.3% 23 16.8%
 Partial College 75 52.4% 61 44.5%
 College Grade 36 25.2% 36 26.3%
 Graduate/Professional School 10 7.0% 9 6.6%
Marital Status 9.503 0.091
 Single 107 74.3% 82 60.3%
 Married 23 16.0% 29 21.3%
 Separated/divorced 11 7.6% 14 10.3%
 Cohabitating 2 1.4% 10 7.4%
 Widowed 1 0.7% 1 0.7%
Employment 3.571 0.312
 >40 hours/week 30 21.3% 40 29.4%
 <40 hours/week 64 45.4% 50 36.8%
 Retired 5 3.5% 3 2.2%
 Unemployed 42 29.8% 43 31.6%
Income 6.908 0.647
 <$9999 55 39.00% 36 27.10%
 $10,000–$14,999 16 11.30% 15 11.30%
 $15,000–$24,999 17 12.10% 20 15.00%
 $25,000–$34,999 11 7.80% 16 12.00%
 $35,000–$49,999 14 9.90% 20 15.00%
 $50,000–$74,999 8 5.70% 10 7.50%
 $75,000–$99,999 8 5.70% 6 4.50%
 $100,000–$149,999 8 5.70% 7 5.30%
 $150,000–$199,999 2 1.40% 2 1.50%
 >$200,000 2 1.40% 1 0.80%

Notes: Some variables had missing data, therefore not all counts sum to the total N. M = mean, SD = standard deviation, t = t-test, χ2 = chi-square value, p = p-value, N = sample size.

Abbreviations: NHW, non-Hispanic white; NA, Native American.