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. 2020 Apr 29;9(2):e17863. doi: 10.2196/17863

Table 1.

Baseline demographics for the per protocol analysis group (n=53).

 Parameters Results, n (%)

Male 30 (56.6)

Female 23 (43.4)
Age (years)  60.4 (11.8)a
Weight (kg)  64 (16.8)a
FEV1b (%)  43 (16)a
FEV1 (L) 1.01 (0.42)a
Reversibility (%)  13 (6)a
History of a hospitalization or emergency department visit in the last year 37 (69.8)
FeNOc (ppb) 12.1 (6)a
Peripheral eosinophil (%) 4 (3)a
GINAd asthma control score 3.0 (0.8)a
Uncontrolled asthma with frequent rescue medication use 53 (100)
Prior pMDIe use 16 (30.2)
Prior DPIf use 37 (69.8)
Oral xanthine use 33 (62.3)

Hypertension 21 (39.6)

ASCVDg 3 (5.7)

Bronchiectasis 5 (9.4)

ARDSh 5 (9.4)

Atopy 5 (9.4)

Nebulized glycopyrronium/formoterol/budesonide (25/20/500 mcg) 40 (75.5)
Nebulized formoterol/budesonide (20/500 mcg) 13 (24.5)

aMean (SD).

bFEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second.

cFeNO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide.

dGINA: Global Initiative for Asthma.

epMDI: pressurized meter dose inhaler.

fDPI: dry powder inhaler.

gASCVD: atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

hARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome.