Intracellular effect of EGb. Cell viability analysis of SK-N-BE with or without EGb in the medium after H2O2 oxidative insult (A). Protein expression analysis of cleaved PARP, Acetylated-p53/K382, BAX and Bcl2 in SK-N-BE cells after treatments by Western blot analysis (B). Histograms report the expression of Acetylated-p53/K382, cleaved PARP and BAX/Bcl2 ratio normalized expression (C). β-Actin was used as loading control. The bars represent ± the average ± SD of independent experiments (n = 3). Statistically significant difference compared to control cells: * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.005). Cells treated with DMSO were used as control.