Table 2.
Wall clock time (s) | ssSNPBLUP_Liu (Plink)a | ssSNPBLUP_Liu (DP)b | ssSNPBLUP_MSc |
d | 136.69 | 139.78 | 136.20 |
Preconditionerd | 546.41 | 581.42 | 1,177.26 |
d | 50.62 | 57.40 | 50.77 |
e | 3.47 | 7.77 | 3.42 |
e | 1.53 | 4.61 | 1.45 |
Average time/iteration | 12.82 | 20.23 | 16.89 |
Iterative process | 43,074.48 | 67,961.84 | 107,041.71 |
Software total time | 44,531.00 | 69,593.09 | 109,126.07 |
assSNPBLUP model proposed by Liu et al. [9] and using the Plink 1 binary form; or busing double precision reals; cssSNPBLUP model proposed by Mantysaari and Stranden [11] and using the Plink 1 binary form; dWall clock time needed for the computation of the mentioned matrix; eMultiplication of the centered genotype matrix, or its transpose, by an array