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. 2020 Apr 1;10(4):594. doi: 10.3390/ani10040594

Table 4.

Effects of mushroom polysaccharide, nano-copper, copper loaded chitosan, and lysozyme on plasma and jejunal mucosa biochemical variables of yellow-feathered chickens challenged with lipopolysaccharides (LPS).

Variables Treatments SEM 2 p-Value
Control LPS 1 Antibiotic Polysaccharide 1 Polysaccharide 2 Nano-Copper Copper Loaded Chitosan Lysozyme
DAO3 (U/L) 0.59 B 1.72 Aa 1.72 A 1.54 A 1.33 Ab 1.54 A 1.60 A 1.57 A 0.05 <0.001
iNOS4 (U/mL) 9.97 B 13.25 A 11.03 11.51 11.36 11.97 11.55 9.43 0.28 0.022
IgG5 (µg/mL) 745.99 A 560.11 Bb 709.71 a 643.24 797.36 a 644.22 762.82 a 712.52 a 15.28 0.001
IFN-γ6 (ng/L) 54.30 B 64.19 Aa 52.66 b 54.67 b 48.99 b 49.20 b 49.55 b 47.76 b 0.79 <0.001
TNF-α7 (ng/L) 63.92 B 78.24 Aa 64.54 b 63.49 b 60.41 b 72.20 59.80 b 50.00 Bb 1.29 <0.001
Jejunal mucosa
SIgA8 (µg/mg) 31.80 B 28.63 b 40.88 a 31.91 46.59 Aa 35.61 31.04 37.77 a 1.10 <0.001
IgG (µg/mg) 237.61 B 222.88 b 274.87 232.08 368.97 Aa 279.90 295.07 336.15 Aa 9.60 <0.001
IgM9 (µg/mg) 31.61 B 25.33 b 29.96 31.08 38.04 Aa 28.29 35.78 37.53 a 1.03 0.014
IL-1β10 (ng/g) 5.77 B 8.60 Aa 7.00 5.94 b 5.87 b 6.62 6.90 6.48 b 0.21 0.013
TNF-α (ng/g) 14.63 B 23.65 Aa 18.77 20.36 15.56 b 18.37 17.72 14.29 b 0.71 0.009

Capital letters indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences between control and other treatments by Dunnett test; small letters indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences between LPS group and the other treatments. 1 birds were fed the control diet and injected with LPS; 2 Standard error of the mean (n = 6 pens); 3 Diamine oxidase; 4 Inducible nitric oxide synthase; 5 Immunoglobulin G; 6 Interferon γ; 7 Tumor necrosis factor α; 8 Secretory immunoglobulin A; 9 Immunoglobulin M; 10 Interleukin 1β.