Figure 10.
A summary diagram to illustrate mitochondrial morphodynamics in porcine oocytes during folliculogenesis toward meiotic maturation. Microtopography, size, shape, configuration of cristae, and matric density of the mitochondria change along the course of folliculogenesis. Oocyte mitochondria of the primordial follicle are roundish and the matrix is granite-like, and that of oocytes from primary follicles have darker matrices. The shape of mitochondria in the oocyte of secondary follicles is more elongated with vacuolated matrices. Oocytes of tertiary follicle also possess round mitochondria with elongated cristae and darker matrices. Mitochondria of in vitro matured oocytes have evenly distributed grayish matrices. Chronological and topomorphological changes of some major aggregates and organelle re-arrangement are observable during folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation.