(A) Regional brain response interactions with COMT rs4680 (A versus G alleles) and change in romantic love scores (T2-T1: love maintenance) among newlyweds in response to viewing face images of the partner versus a highly familiar, neutral acquaintance. Inset shows a sagittal view of the insular cortex. Green: T1 brain response in the VTA/SN (bottom arrows) and insular cortex (inset). Red: T2 responses in the insular cortex (left arrow and inset). (B) Scatterplot shows the correlations between COMT rs4680 (A versus G alleles) and L VTA/SN response at T1. (C) Scatterplot shows the correlations between COMT rs4680 (A versus G alleles) and L insular cortex response at T1 and T2. R, right. L, Left. I, insular cortex; SN, substantia nigra; VTA, ventral tegmental area. Other colored regions did not meet the statistical requirements for whole-brain analysis or were not an ROI. Yellow, significant correlations at T1 and T2. Green, significant correlations at T1. Red, significant correlations at T2.