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. 2020 May 7;11:634. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00634


Regional brain activations showing interactions with AVPR1a rs3 (long alleles) and romantic love maintenance among newlyweds.

Brain Region x y Z T p x y z T p
Brain responses replicated at Times 1 and 2
ROI Activations
VTA, posterior1 6 −21 −21 2.58 0.02
Periaqueductal gray1 3 −33 −21 2.87 0.02
Posterior hippocampus1 39 −27 −9 3.87 0.01
Occipital cortex, area 17/181 15 −90 3 2.49 0.02
Whole-brain Activations
Superior temporal gyrus/Angular gyrus 45 −78 24 4.41 <0.001

All results are for regions showing activation in association with AVPR1a rs3 long versus short alleles and change in Eros scores (T2-T1) over the first year of marriage in newlyweds. Superscripts denote references for ROIs: 1Acevedo et al. (2011).