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. 2020 May 13;7:2055668320918130. doi: 10.1177/2055668320918130

Table 3.

Summary of studies investigating the direct effects of a robotic glove (with vs. robotic glove effects).

Authors, Year Soft robotic glove model Participants characteristics Research design & Intervention Measurement instruments Without the soft robotic glove M (SD) or percentage With the soft robotic glove, M (SD) or percentage p-Value Effect sizes or percentage difference
Brokaw et al.,25 2011HandSOME n = 8M = 4F = 4Age range: not mentionedDx: subacute and chronic stroke Clinical case series:Measures with and without the soft robotic glove (one visit) 1) Active range of motion in extension (deg)2) Velocity in flexion (deg/sec)3) Velocity in extension (deg/sec)4) Box and Blocks (inch)5) Grip strength with JAMAR (N) 1) not reported2) 26.9 (13.9)3) 11.30 (4.45)4) not reported5) 29.9 (1.9) 1) + 48.7 (1.0)2) 93.10 (24.76)3) 59.40 (22.34)4) not reported5) 26.2 (1.8) 1) p < 0.001*2) p = 0.004*3) p = 0.0534) p = 0.002*5) p = 0.17 1) NA2) d = 3.303) d = 2.994) NA5) d = -2.00
Prange-Lasonder et al.,15 2017 HandinMind n = 5M = 3F = 2Age range: 58–76 years Dx : chronic stroke Case-Control series:Measure with and without the soft robotic glove (one visit) 1) Pinch Gauge (kg)2) Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Testa) Picking up small objects (sec)b) Lift cane (sec) 1) Increase by 11% to 27% with the glove2) a) Slower by 6% to 40% with glove in all participantsb) Faster by 2% to 24% with glove in 3/5 participants Not reported 1) Not significant2)a) p ≤ 0.043* b) Not significant NA
Yap et al.,18 2017Not mentionned n = 2M = 1F = 1Age: 40 and 50 yearsDx: chronic stroke Clinical case reports:Measure with and without the soft robotic glove (one visit) Grasp an empty bottle, lift it and put it down (sec)Grasp a tin can, lift it and put it down (sec) Participant 1 = 9.0 (1.4)Participant 2 = > not finish within 90 sec; exact time not reported Participant 1 = 8.0 (0.7)Participant 2 = 12.3 (2.7) Participant 1:p = 0.06Participant 2:p = 0.02* Participant 1: d = −0.90Participant 2 :NA
Cappello et al.,26 2018Not mentioned n = 9M = 8F = 1Age range: 20–68 yearsDx: spinal cord injury C4-C7 Clinical case series:TRI-HTF performed with and without the soft robotic glove (one visit) Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Hand Function Test (TRI-HFT)1) Manipulation of objects2) Lift force (N) 1) 3.77 (SD not reported)2) 1.76 (4.32) 1) 6.11 (SD not reported)2) 2.76 (5.18) 1) p < 0.0005*2) p < 0.0135* 1) NA2) d = 0.21
Radder et al.,34 2018HandinMind n = 5M = 3F = 2Age range: 45–69 yearsDx: chronic stroke Clinical case series:Five ADL tasks performed three times with and once without the soft robotic glove (Two visits) 1) Functional task performance test (sec)a) Drinkingb) Eatingc) Household cleaningd) Readinge) Dressingf) Door opening Overall, median changes showed a small difference between performance with and without glove ranging from –1.1 to 2.5 s, except for the drinking task in session 1 (median difference of 5.8), door opening task (median difference of 5.4) and the drinking task in session 2 (median difference of 4.1) in favor of performance without glove. Not reported Not reported NA
Yurkewich et al., 201935HERO Glove n = 5M = 2F = 3Age: 57-83Dx: acute and chronic stroke Clinical case series:Measures with and without the soft robotic glove (one visit) 1) Finger extension (deg)2) Range of motion (deg)3) Grip and pinch strength (kg)4) Box and Block Test (number of block)5) Chedoke Arm and Hand activity Inventory: water bottle task 1) 46.25 (31.1)2) 32.5 (53.44)3) not reported4) 0.4 (0.8)5) 1.6 (1.2) 1) 143.75 (22.18) 2) 78.75 (30.9)3) not reported4) 3.2 (1.17)5) 2.4 (1.02) 1) p = 0.0002*2) Not significant3) Not significant4) p  = 0.004*5) Not reported 1) d  = 3.612) d  = 1.063) NA4) d  = 2.795) d  = 0.72

M: mean score; SD: standard deviation; Dx: diagnosis.

*Statistically significant at p < 0.05.