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. 2020 May 5;7(3):179–189. doi: 10.1007/s40801-020-00191-x

Table 4.

Telavancin dosing and duration of therapy by patient baseline renal function

Telavancin exposure characteristics Dialysis (n = 13) Baseline CrCl (mL/min)a Total (N = 151)
< 30 (n = 5) 30 to < 50 (n = 10) 50 to < 80 (n = 18) ≥ 80 (n = 77)
Average daily dose (mg)b
 Mean (SD) 465.9 (235.5) 601.6 (291.0) 617.6 (114.9) 641.0 (161.1) 748.8 (186.0) 688.5 (207.6)
 Median (IQR) 422.7 (215.1) 625.0 (409.8) 650.0 (201.6) 600.0 (207.7) 750.0 (80.0) 740.6 (206.0)
Duration of therapy (days)
 Mean (SD) 24.4 (20.5) 16.8 (18.6) 17.0 (18.3) 8.4 (10.6) 13.4 (13.5) 17.2 (16.5)
 Median (IQR) 17.0 (30.0) 12.0 (4.0) 6.0 (28.0) 5.0 (6.0) 8.0 (12.0) 9.0 (24.0)
Average daily dose per body weight (mg/kg)
 Mean (SD) 5.3 (2.5) 7.3 (2.9) 8.4 (2.3) 8.9 (1.5) 9.1 (1.8) 8.4 (2.3)
 Median (IQR) 4.4 (3.2) 6.0 (4.0) 8.1 (2.9) 7.8 (6.5) 9.3 (2.4) 8.7 (2.8)
Telavancin dose adjustedc
 n (%) 2 (15.4) 2 (40.0) 2 (20.0) 4 (22.2) 10 (13.0) 22 (14.6)

CrCl creatinine clearance, IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation

aBaseline CrCl was not estimated for 27 patients because the baseline serum creatinine concentration was not recorded, and for 1 patient due to missing age

bAverage daily dose per body weight was calculated to account for different dosing schedules. 139 patients were dosed every 24 h, 8 were dosed every 48 h, and 4 were dosed at a frequency recorded as “other.”

cPatients whose dose changed from the initial recorded dose