Fig. 2.
NPC activity is dynamically regulated by posttranscriptional mechanisms. a Radial glial precursors (RGPs, light blue) are dynamically regulated by posttranscriptional mechanisms. The boxed regions of the RGP cell body and basal process are shown at higher magnification at the right. RBPs (shown by colored hexagons, triangles, and ovals) and miRNAs (red/brown lines) are highly ubiquitous and influence various steps of RNA metabolism including mRNA splicing, nuclear export, stability, localization, and translation. In the basal process, mRNAs are actively transported by RBPs (such as FMRP) along microtubules (purple). A figure legend is shown in the lower right panel. b mRNA cell fate determinants are asymmetrically segregated and actively transported in RGPs to ensure appropriate cell fate decisions. In RGPs undergoing mitosis, a Staufen2-Pum2-Ddx1 complex asymmetrically segregates cell fate determinants such as Prox1 mRNA into the daughter cell destined to become an intermediate progenitor (IP). mRNA cell fate determinants are actively transported to basal endfeet by FMRP, where they are locally translated. In RGP basal endfeet, self-renewal factors such as CyclinD2 mRNA are locally translated, ensuring that the daughter cell inheriting the basal process maintains its self-renewing capacity. A figure legend is shown in the lower right panel