Experimental models
C57BL/6J (M. musculus) |
Charles River |
C57BL/6J |
C57BL/6J (M. musculus) Nfil3−/−
van der Kallen et al (2015) |
N/A |
AML12 cells (M. musculus) |
CRL‐2254 |
HEK293 (H. sapiens) |
CRL‐1573 |
Recombinant DNA
pcDNA3.1‐mNFIL3 |
Addgene |
Cat # 34572 |
pSGG5‐hHNF4A |
Suaud et al (1999) |
N/A |
example: Rabbit‐anti‐H3 |
Abcam |
Cat # ab1791 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # A5441 (WB) |
BRD4 |
Bethyl Labs |
Cat # A301‐985A100 (ChIP) |
BRD4 |
Wu et al (2006) |
N/A (WB) |
Santa Cruz |
Cat # sc7351 (WB) |
Abcam |
Cat # ab23630 (WB, WES) |
Histone H3 |
Cell Signaling |
CST 3638S (WB) |
H3K27ac |
Active Motif |
Cat # 39685 (ChIP) |
Perseus |
Cat # PP‐H1415‐00 (WB, WES) |
Santa Cruz |
Cat # sc20681 (WB, WES) |
Cell Signaling |
Cat # CST 14312S (WB) |
NR1H4 |
Perseus |
Cat # PP‐A9033A‐00 (WB) |
p‐Y416‐SRC |
Cell Signaling |
Cat # CST 6943S (WB) |
Cell Signaling |
Cat # CST 2109S (WB) |
XBP1s |
Cell Signaling |
Cat # CST 12782S (WES) |
Santa Cruz |
Cat # sc7225 (WB) |
EP300 |
Active motif |
Cat #61401 (IP) |
EP300 |
Santa Cruz |
Cat # sc‐585 (WES) |
IgG |
Santa Cruz |
Cat # sc‐2025 (IP) |
HRP‐conjugated anti‐mouse |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # A4416 (WB) |
HRP‐conjugated anti‐rabbit |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # A0545 (WB) |
12–230 kDa Wes separation module |
ProteinSimple |
Cat# SM‐W004 |
66–440 kDa Jess or Wes Separation Module |
ProteinSimple |
Cat # SM‐W008 |
Oligonucleotides and sequence‐based reagents
qPCR primers |
This study |
Table EV5 |
Chemicals, enzymes and other reagents
example: T7 Endonuclease I |
New England Biolabs |
Cat # M03020S |
Thapsigargin |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # T9033 |
Tunicamycin |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # T7765 |
MG132 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # M7449 |
PP2 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # P0042 |
Cycloheximide |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # C7698 |
JQ1 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # SML1524 |
Trichostatin A |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # T8552 |
C646 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # SML0002 |
MZ1 |
Tocris |
Cat # 6154 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # T0266 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # SML0309 |
STF083010 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # SML0409 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # SML0843 |
Euromedex |
Cat # 50985 |
jetPEI |
Polyplus Transfection |
Cat # 101‐40 |
High capacity cDNA reverse transciption kit |
Applied Biosystems |
Cat # 4368813 |
Brilliant II Sybr Green QPCR MAster mix |
Agilent Biotechnologies |
Cat # 600831 |
Disuccinimidyl glutarate (DSG) |
Thermo Fischer Scientific |
Cat # 20593 |
Formaldehyde |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat# F8775 |
Benzonase |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat# E1014 |
Protein A Sepharose |
GE Healthcare |
Cat # GE17‐1279‐01 |
Protein G Sepharose |
GE Healthcare |
Cat # GE17‐0618‐01 |
Complete protease inhibitor cocktail |
Roche |
Cat # 11836145001 |
Phosphatase inhibitor cocktail |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # P044 |
Proteinase K |
Qiagen |
Cat # 19133 |
tRNA |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # R5636 |
William's medium (MPH) |
Lonza |
Cat# BE12761F |
DMEM/F12 (AML12) |
Dutcher |
Cat # P04‐41250 |
DMEM (HEK293) |
Gibco‐Life Technologies |
Cat #31966 |
Collagen |
Roche |
Cat# 11179179001 |
Collagenase |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # C5138 |
Yeast tRNA |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat # R5636 |
Extract‐All (Trizol) |
Eurobio |
Partek Genomics Suite 6.6 |
Partek |
N/A |
DESeq 1.26.0 |
Anders and Huber (2010) |
N/A |
FactoMineR 1.41 |
Lê et al (2008) |
N/A |
STEM v1.3.11 |
Ernst et al (2005) |
N/A |
Vandel et al (2018) |
N/A |
Galaxy |
Afgan et al (2018) |
N/A |
R |
R Core Team (2015) |
N/A |
aplpack v1.3.2 R package |
R Core Team (2015) |
N/A |
ToppGene Suite |
Chen et al (2009) |
N/A |
GSEA v3.0 |
Subramanian et al (2005) |
N/A |
BubbleGUM v1.3.19 |
Spinelli et al (2015) |
N/A |
Bowtie 2 |
Langmead and Salzberg (2012) |
N/A |
Integrated Genome Browser (IGB 9.0.1) |
Freese et al (2016) |
N/A |
Chen et al (2015) |
N/A |
Rank Ordering of Super‐Enhancers (ROSE) |
Loven et al (2013), Whyte et al (2013) |
N/A |
csaw v1.6.1 |
Lun and Smyth (2014, 2016) |
N/A |
Locus Overlap Analysis (LOLA 1.4.0) |
Sheffield and Bock (2016) |
N/A |
gplots v3.0.1 |
Warnes et al (2016) |
N/A |
graphics R package |
R Core Team (2015) |
N/A |
Prism v5 and 8 |
GraphPad |
N/A |
GeneSnap v7.12.06 |
Syngene |
N/A |
Image Studio Lite v5.2 |
LI‐COR Biosciences |
N/A |
Compass |
ProteinSimple |
N/A |
bioDBnet |
Mudunuri et al (2009) |
N/A |
Influx sorter |
Becton Dickinson |
N/A |
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer |
Agilent Biotechnologies |
N/A |
MoGene‐2_0‐st |
Affymetrix |
N/A |
GeneChip™ Scanner 3000 7G |
Applied Biosystems |
Cat# 00‐0210 |
GeneChip™ Fluidics Station 450 |
Applied Biosystems |
Cat# 00‐0079 |
Bioruptor Pico |
Diagenode |
Cat# B01060010 |
MinElute PCR purification kit |
Qiagen |
Cat# 2800 |
ALT activity |
Thermo Fischer Scientific |
Cat# 981769 |
AST activity |
Thermo Fischer Scientific |
Cat# 981771 |
Thermo Fischer Scientific |
Cat# 981801 |
Illumina Hi‐seq 4000 |
Illumina |
N/A |
G‐box |
Syngene |
N/A |
Simple Western, WES system |
ProteinSimple |
N/A |
TnT® Quick Coupled Transcription/Translation System |
Promega |
Cat# L5020 |
iBright™ CL1500 Imaging System |
Thermo Fischer Scientific |
A44240 |