Table 2:
Summary of care-seeking pathways and associated direct costs for 196 patients
Step category | n | % | Mean $ | % Direct Costs |
Medical facility | 769 | 62.1% | $32 | 74.4% |
Pharmacy | 137 | 11.1% | $3 | 7.0% |
Traditional healer/herbalist | 117 | 9.4% | $5 | 11.6% |
Social contact | 216 | 17.4% | $1 | 2.3% |
Self | -- | -- | $2 | 4.7% |
Total | 1239 | 100.0% | $43 | 100.0% |
NOTES: Medical facilities include both public TB providers and private non-TB providers. Social contacts include family members, friends, co-workers, and other acquaintances. Self refers to patient expenditures on fruit or protein in an effort to treat TB symptoms. The ‘n’ column refers to the number of steps/visits to each step category.