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. 2020 May 8;11:530. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00530


Mean concentration of peramine and total loline alkaloids at the week 6 harvest in perennial ryegrass and tall fescue plants, infected with the endophyte Epichloë sp. FaTG-3, strain AR501.

Mean concentration Mean concentration of
of peramine total loline alkaloids
(μg/g ± SD)
(μg/g ± SD)
Temperature regime (day/night) Perennial ryegrass Tall fescue Perennial ryegrass Tall fescue
12/6°C (cool) 5.62 (± 2.99) cde 4.22 (± 1.56) bcd 1.50 (± 0.00) a 14.78 (± 8.08) b
25/16°C (warm) 4.26 (± 3.24) bc 11.02 (± 5.40) ef 7.30 (± 7.68) a 89.53 (± 74.73) c
25/16°C and transferred to 12/6°C (warm to cool) 1.53 (± 1.47) a 2.92 (± 1.78) b 1.50 (± 0.00) a 27.00 (± 19.26) b
12/6°C and transferred to 25/16°C (cool to warm) 12.03 (± 6.25) ef 17.28 (± 3.89) f 26.05 (± 18.36) bc 171.30 (± 79.30) d

Means associated with the same alkaloid followed by the same letter are not significantly different as determined by ANOVA and Fisher’s protected LSD test (P > 0.05).