M.D. Anderson staging system |
1 |
Abundant patent lymphatic vessels with minimal lymphatic dermal backflow on indocyanine green lymphangiography |
2 |
Moderate amount of patent lymphatic vessels with segmental lymphatic dermal backflow on lymphangiography |
3 |
Reduced number of patent lymphatic vessels with dermal backflow spanning entire arm on lymphangiography |
4 |
No visible patent lymphatic vessels with dermal backflow spanning entire arm and dorsum of hand on lymphangiography |
Becker et al. (2006) staging system |
I |
Early edema with no or less than 2 infectious episodes, excess arm circumference not more than 30% of unaffected arm circumference |
II |
Later stage edema, more than 2 infectious episodes, excess arm circumference between 30% an 50% of unaffected arm circumference |
International Society of Lymphology staging system |
0 |
Sub-clinical lymphedema with impaired lymph transport but no evidence of swelling |
I |
Early accumulation of fluid high in protein content with swelling that reduces with limb elevation; pitting may be present |
II |
Pitting edema with swelling that does not reduce with limb elevation |
Lymphostatic elephantiasis; non-pitting edema with skin changes (e.g., acanthosis, increase in thickness), fat deposition, and fibrosis |