Fig. 6.
Two-stage production of citrulline with the ArgG variant G9. (a) The doubly dysregulated citrulline producer (ΔargG ΔargR argAH15Y) expressing the ArgG variant G9 was cultivated in two independent 1-L bioreactors. OD and the temperature are shown for bioreactor 1 (orange) and bioreactor 2 (green). t1 and t2 indicate the time window when temperature was increased from 33 °C to 39 °C. t3 indicates the time when glucose and ammonium was fed. blue area: growth phase, red area: production phase. (b) Glucose concentration in the supernatant of the two bioreactors. Dots are the mean, and error bars are the standard deviation of n = 4 analytical replicates per bioreactor. (c) Citrulline concentration in the whole cultivation broth of the two bioreactors. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)