All Functional AGM HSCs Are within the HC1 CD27med Fraction
(A) Violin plots of Tnfrsf7 (CD27) expression in the 5 major transcriptomic clusters. EC, endothelial-like cluster; HC1, hematopoietic cluster 1; HC2, hematopoietic cluster 2; UC1, unknown cluster 1; UC2, unknown cluster 2.
(B) Enrichment sorting parameters for CD27+ HC1 cell isolation. Side scatter (SSC-A), CD31, cKit, Gata2 (G2), and CD27 sorting gates and percentage (±SEM) of cells. CD27+ cells (%) are indicated within a wide (+W) and a narrow (+N) mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) gate.
(C) Analysis of HSC function within CD27 fractions (CD27+W, CD27+N, and CD27−/lo) of HC1 cells by in vivo transplantation. Open squares denote CD27+W HC1 cell recipients (n = 2) of 442 cells (2.5ee) and 479 cells (3.3 ee) from 15 and 9 (42–50 somite pairs, sp) embryos, respectively. Closed squares (n = 4; 42–49 sp; embryos/experiment: 25, 11, 22, 28) denote recipients injected with CD27+N HC1 cells (238–957; 3.7–9.8 ee), EC cells (899–2,333; 3.9–8.6 ee), CD27-/lo HC1 cells (1,042–4,325; 4.1-9.8 ee), and UC1+2+HC2 cells (1,361–3,741; 4.2–9.9 ee). Percentage of donor cell chimerism in peripheral blood of recipients at 4 months post-injection. Black line indicates mean.
(D) Single-cell RNA-seq of 119 CD31hiSSClocKithiGata2medCD27+N sorted cells (all passed quality control) from 6 embryos (41–47 sp). These data combined with the previous dataset (gray) resulted in an extended dataset SPRING plot of 1,087 cells in total. Overlay of CD27+N cells (red) showing localization to one HC1 subcluster (circled).
(E) Single CD27+N HC1 cells from E11 G2V IAHCs (50 embryos; 42–49 sp) deposited into methylcellulose and colony-forming unit-culture (CFU-C) counts at 8–10 days (138 total CFU-Cs). Colony type (individual dot) plotted against log10-normalized mean fluorescence intensities (MFIs) for (Ei) CD27, (Eii) G2, (Eiii) cKit, and (Eiv) CD31 expression. GEMM, granulocyte-erythroid-macrophage-megakaryocyte; GM, granulocyte-macrophage. Red lines indicate mean ± SEM.
(F) Representative FACS plot showing newly defined CD27med MFI range (red dotted line) within the CD27+N fraction. Percentage ±SEM.
(G) Summary of enrichment strategy. The HC1 fraction containing all HSCs is 10.5-fold enriched compared to previous sorting strategies (Eich et al., 2018). Further enrichments are based on gating of specific CD27+N and CD27med fractions to give an additional 6.5-fold enrichment. After iterative analyses and refinement of sorting gates, a total combined HSC enrichment of 68.3-fold is achieved.