Brain colonizing breast cancer cells (231Br) have a different oncological phenotype compared to parental breast cancer 231 cells. (A) After intracardiac injection, the parental triple-negative breast cancer cells (231) are seen disseminated throughout the body of mice. (B) The brain colonizing triple-negative breast cancer cells (231Br) primarily reside in the brain of mice. (C) 231Br cells grow significantly faster compared to 231 cells in vitro. Note: images acquired for (A) and (B) are representative images taken on day 30 following intracardiac injection of either 231 or 231Br cells. Fold change of cell numbers in each day was compared between the two cell lines using Student's t test. All error bars represent standard deviation (SD), N = 3 technical replicates, representative of two independent experiments. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001.