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. 2020 Apr 27;11:2041731420905701. doi: 10.1177/2041731420905701

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

In vitro differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into enteric neural crest cells. Detailed immunofluorescence staining analysis confirms successful derivation of ENCCs from hPSCs. Neurons (TUJ1+, a, h, i, j, and PGP9.5+, k) and glia (S100β+, b) appear in differentiated D15 ENCCs, but not in pre-differentiation D0 hPSCs. Epithelial marker ECAD is expressed in a small population of D15 neurospheres, but no specific epithelial cell lineage is identified in ECAD+ cells (MUC2-, e; CHGA-, f; LYSO-, g). Specific subtypes of neurons are not detected in D15 cells (CALB-, h; CHAT-, i, NOS1-, j; 5-HT-, k). Markers for mesenchymal cell lineage, CKIT (c) and SMA (d), are absent in ENCCs. Pluripotency marker OCT4 (m) is not expressed in D15 neurospheres. PCNA+ indicates cell proliferation (l) and LAMIN+ (n) marks the human origin of engraft cells. DAPI (blue) stains cell nuclei in all images. TUJ1: class III beta-tubulin; S100β: calcium binding protein B of the S100 family; CKIT: ICC-selective receptor tyrosine kinase; SMA: alpha-smooth muscle actin; ECAD: E-cadherin; MUC2: mucin 2; CHGA: chromagranin A; LYSO: lysozyme; CALB: calbindin; CHAT: choline acetyltransferase; NOS1: neuronal nitric oxide synthase; 5-HT: serotonin/5-hydroxytryptamine; PGP9.5: protein gene product 9.5; PCNA: proliferating cell nuclear antigen; OCT4: octamer-binding transcription factor 4; LAMIN: human-specific nuclear envelope protein lamin. D0: day 0 (pre-differentiation); D15: day 15 (post-differentiation); hPSC: human pluripotent stem cell; ENCC: enteric neural crest cell; ICC: interstitial cells of Cajal.