Effect of CA application on Cu-induced malondialdehyde (MDA) (A), proline contents (B), and antioxidative defense mechanisms such as activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) (C) and peroxidase (POD) (D) in the leaves of C. capsularis seedlings grown under different stress levels of Cu. Values are demonstrated as means of three replicates along with standard deviation (SD; n =3). One-way ANOVA was performed and means differences were tested by LSD (p < 0.05). Different lowercase letters on the error bars indicate significant difference between the treatments. Cu0CA0 (Cu = 0 μM and CA = 0 mM), Cu0CA1 (Cu = 0 μM and CA = 2 mM), Cu1CA0 (Cu = 50 μM and CA = 0 mM), Cu1CA1 (Cu = 50 μM and CA = 2 mM), Cu2CA0 (Cu = 100 μM and CA = 0 mM), Cu2CA1 (Cu = 100 μM and CA = 2 mM).