Occurrence of genes involved in rRNA/tRNA modification in mollicutes. The phylogenetic tree was inferred using the maximum likelihood method from the concatenated multiple alignments of 79 proteins encoded by genes present at one copy in each genome. Nodes are numbered. Main phylogenetic groups are indicated as follows: S, Spiroplasma; H, Hominis; P, Pneumoniae; AAP, Acholeplasma/Phytoplasma; M, Mycoides cluster of ruminant mycoplasmas. Non-cultivated species are framed by a red dotted rectangle. Species analyzed by MS are indicated in bold red. Targets are indicated as follows: square, rRNA; triangle, tRNA; circle, unknown. Symbols are colored as follows: red, folate-dependent enzymes; green, SAM-dependent enzymes; yellow, predicted pseudogene. Predicted evolution events are indicated in grey boxes. nd, not determined.