(A) Normal human intestine was stained in indirect immunohistochemistry
on FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded) serial sections for RORC,
clone 6F3.1 as per Gendusa et al.3 and in indirect immunofluorescence (inset; green) together with
CD3 (clone CD3-12; red) as per Bolognesi et al.2 Nuclear counterstain is hematoxylin and
4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; blue) respectively. On the left,
no stripping occurred before staining. On the right, sections were
stripped for 10×-equivalent (5 hr) or 4×-equivalent (2 hr; inset)
before staining. and (B) normal human FFPE tonsil was stained for
GATA3, goat antibody AF2605-SP (green) in indirect immunofluorescence
as per Bolognesi et al.2 as the 12th cycle of staining and stripping. Nuclear
counterstain DAPI (blue), no autofluorescence was digitally
subtracted. Bars A and B = 100 µm