Table 4.
Model fit for the Random Forest estimation of missing values. R2 values are internally calculated by Random Forest using the OOB (“out of bag”) data that were not included in the bootstrapped sample for a particular decision tree. R2 values for questions that were only estimated for men or were estimated for both men and women are labeled with M and W, respectively. Unmarked values apply to women. Questions not in the Table did not need imputation.
Category | Question | R2 |
Violence Against Women | Is beating justified if respondent goes out without telling her partner? | 0.56 |
Is beating justified if respondent neglects the children? | 0.44 | |
Is beating justified if respondent argues with her partner? | 0.40 | |
Is beating justified if respondent refuses to have sex? | 0.57 | |
Is beating justified if respondent burns the food? | 0.43 | |
Employment | Has respondent had paid employment (cash or in-kind) within the past 12 months? | W: 0.28 M: 0.31 |
Education | Can respondent read a short paragraph shown to them? | W: 0.97 M: 0.75 |
Did respondent attend at least 6 years of school? | M: 0.66 | |
Decision Making | Does respondent have a say in her health? | 0.72 |
Does respondent have a say in large purchases? | 0.74 | |
Does respondent have a say in household purchases? | 0.70 | |
Does respondent have a say in visits to family? | 0.62 | |
Does respondent have a say in food to be cooked? | 0.51 | |
Does respondent have a say in deciding what to do with money? | 0.54 |