Figure 6. Xaf1 Sequence and Isoform Polymorphism.
(A) Xaf1 gene and transcripts.
(B) WT and Sarm1AD mice were infected with 107 PFUs of VSV, and brain samples were collected for RNA-seq at day 5 post-infection. Plots show coverage alignment of WT and Sarm1AD sample reads to the B6 reference genome (mm10) at the Xaf1 locus. Colors indicate nucleotide changes from the reference sequence.
(C) Sashimi plots (IGV) of the samples in (B) showing exon-exon splice junctions.
(D) RT-PCR of Xaf1 transcripts from samples in (B). The asterisk indicates that the ~600 bp band corresponds to different transcripts in WT and Sarm1AD samples.
(E) Protein coding differences between WT (B6) and Sarm1AD (129) Xaf1 transcripts.
(F) WT, Sarm1AD, and Sarm1AGS3 mice were injected i.v. with 100 μg of poly(I:C), and splenocytes were isolated at 24 h for XAF1 western blot. *, XAF1 isoform 1; **, possible XAF1 novel isoform.
(G) STRING analysis of significantly differentially expressed genes from mock-infected brainstem of WT and Sarm1AGS3 mice. Lines indicate known and predicted interactions. See also Figure S3 and Tables S3 and S4.