Figure 5.
Impairment of diurnal rhythmicity of autophagy in T1D mice with two-months duration of diabetes. Retinas were collected from C57Bl/6J mice with two-months duration of T1D and age-matched control mice. Immunostaining and intensity analyses of retina and retinal vasculature demonstrated a dramatic loss of oscillatory amplitude of autophagic protein expression in the diabetic animals compared to normal mice (A,B). Autophagy protein expression is green, TRITC agglutinin for vessels red and DAPI nuclear staining blue. The arrows indicate autophagy protein localization to retinal vessels. RGC, retina ganglion cell; INL, inner nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium. Loss and phase-shifting of diurnal rhythmicity in diabetic retinopathy is demonstrated in single cosine plots, with ordinary least square fitted (p < 0.01, n = 10). All animals were maintained in a standard 12/12-h light/dark phase with lights ON at 6:00 AM and lights OFF at 6:00 PM. The error bars in the circadian plots represent the mean+SEM and diurnal oscillation had a p-value less than 0.05.