Figure 6.
Relative quantification of mRNA of the candidate FPR2 downstream targets in HTR-8/SVneo, JEG-3 and in SGA and control chorionic villus tissues by real time PCR. (A) and (B) in HTR-8/SV neo: Relative mRNA expression for STAT5B and SOCS3. (C) and (D) in JEG3: Relative mRNA expression for STAT5B and SOCS3. (E) and (F) in SGA and Control chorionic villus tissues: Relative mRNA expression for STAT5B and SOCS3. Columns represent 2–ΔΔCT values, normalized to 18S rRNA, ± SEM are shown (* p < 0.05). (G–I) in HTR-8/SVneo, EGF (10 ng/mL) stimulation following siFPR2 or siCONT treatment significantly increased STAT5B mRNA relative to 18S rRNA in siFPR2 treated cells compared to siCONT (* p < 0.05); (H) and (I) EGF stimulation (10 ng/mL) significantly improved proliferation and migration of HTR-8/SVneo cells following treatment with siFPR2 compared to siCONT treated cells (* p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.005), respectively. Data are representative of four independent experiments conducted in duplicate. Values represent ± SEM.