Fig. 1.
Identification of hypoxia and immune status and hypoxia- and immune-related DEGs. a Dot plot for three distinct clusters identified by t-SNE algorithm based on 200 hypoxia hallmark genes. b Kaplan–Meier plot of overall survival for patients in three clusters. c Expression changes (hypoxiahigh vs. hypoxialow) of target genes involved in HIF-1 KEGG pathway. d Heatmap showing expression profiles for hypoxia-related DEGs with comparison between hypoxiahigh and hypoxialow groups. e Histogram shows the density distribution for high- and low-immune score groups divided by the optimal cutoff. f Scatter plot shows the standardized log-rank statistic value for each corresponding immune score cutoff. The optimal cutoff with the maximum standard log-rank statistic is marked with a vertical dashed line. g Kaplan–Meier plot of overall survival for patients in immunehigh and immunelow groups. h Heatmap showing expression profiles for immune-related DEGs with comparison between immunehigh and immunelow groups