Table 1.
Characteristics of adolescents aged 13–17 years by metropolitan statistical area (MSA) status – National Immunization Survey–Teen, United States, 2016–2017.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) |
Overall |
Mostly Urban |
Suburban |
Mostly Rural |
Characteristic | Sample Size | Weighted % (95% C.I.) | Sample Size | Weighted % (95% C.I.) | Sample Size | Weighted % (95% C.I.) | Sample Size | Weighted % (95% C.I.) |
Total | 41,424 | 100.0 (---------) | 16,523 | 40.7 (39.8–41.6) | 16,530 | 46.9 (46.0–47.8) | 8,371 | 12.4 (12.0–12.9) |
Survey Year | ||||||||
2016 | 20,475 | 50.0 (49.4–50.6) | 7,979 | 49.3 (48.1–50.6) | 8,248 | 50.0 (48.8–51.1) | 4,248 | 52.3 (50.6–54.1)* |
2017 | 20,949 | 50.0 (49.4–50.6) | 8,544 | 50.7 (49.4–51.9) | 8,282 | 50.0 (48.9–51.2) | 4,123 | 47.7 (45.9–49.4)* |
Age (years) | ||||||||
13–15 | 25,502 | 60.6 (59.7–61.5) | 10,218 | 59.6 (58.1–61.1) | 10,171 | 61.7 (60.4–63.0)* | 5,113 | 59.7 (57.8–61.5) |
16–17 | 15,922 | 39.4 (38.5–40.3) | 6,305 | 40.4 (38.9–41.9) | 6,359 | 38.3 (37.0–39.6)* | 3,258 | 40.3 (38.5–42.2) |
Sex | ||||||||
Male | 21,918 | 51.0 (50.1–52.0) | 8,766 | 51.6 (50.1–53.1) | 8,709 | 50.4 (49.0–51.7) | 4,443 | 51.7 (49.8–53.6) |
Female | 19,506 | 49.0 (48.0–49.9) | 7,757 | 48.4 (46.9–49.9) | 7,821 | 49.6 (48.3–51.0) | 3,928 | 48.3 (46.4–50.2) |
Race/ethnicity | ||||||||
Non-Hispanic White | 25,893 | 52.5 (51.6–53.4) | 8,312 | 41.0 (39.7–42.4) | 11,323 | 58.4 (57.0–59.7)* | 6,258 | 68.2 (66.3–70.0)* |
Non-Hispanic Black | 3,733 | 13.8 (13.2–14.4) | 2,197 | 19.0 (17.9–20.3) | 1,116 | 10.3 (9.5–11.2)* | 420 | 9.6 (8.4–10.9)* |
Hispanic | 7,105 | 23.4 (22.6–24.3) | 4,009 | 29.0 (27.5–30.5) | 2,279 | 21.5 (20.2–22.9)* | 817 | 12.6 (11.3–14.0)* |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | 557 | 0.9 (0.8–1.0) | 131 | 0.5 (0.4–0.7) | 129 | 0.6 (0.5–0.9) | 297 | 3.1 (2.4–3.9)* |
Asian | 1,680 | 4.3 (3.9–4.7) | 855 | 5.4 (4.7–6.1) | 721 | 4.2 (3.7–4.9)* | 104 | 1.0 (0.6–1.7)* |
Other | 2,456 | 5.1 (4.7–5.4) | 1,019 | 5.1 (4.6–5.7) | 962 | 4.9 (4.4–5.5) | 475 | 5.5 (4.7–6.4) |
Immigration status | ||||||||
Born in U.S. | 39,126 | 93.5 (93.0–94.0) | 15,226 | 90.7 (89.6–91.7) | 15,757 | 94.8 (94.1–95.4)* | 8,143 | 97.9 (97.4–98.4)* |
Born outside U.S. | 2,045 | 6.5 (6.0–7.0) | 1,203 | 9.3 (8.3–10.4) | 678 | 5.2 (4.6–5.9)* | 164 | 2.1 (1.6–2.6)* |
Region | ||||||||
Northeast | 8,024 | 16.4 (16.1–16.7) | 2,288 | 12.3 (11.7–13.0) | 4,520 | 22.0 (21.3–22.7)* | 1,216 | 8.7 (7.8–9.7)* |
Midwest | 8,798 | 21.4 (21.0–21.8) | 3,204 | 20.1 (19.3–21.0) | 3,061 | 19.2 (18.5–19.9) | 2,533 | 33.9 (32.3–35.5)* |
South | 15,652 | 38.3 (37.8–38.9) | 7,080 | 37.9 (36.7–39.1) | 6,204 | 37.5 (36.4–38.5) | 2,368 | 43.1 (41.3–44.9)* |
West | 8,950 | 23.9 (23.2–24.5) | 3,951 | 29.7 (28.3–31.1) | 2,745 | 21.4 (20.1–22.7)* | 2,254 | 14.3 (13.2–15.5)* |
Mother’s age | ||||||||
≤34 years | 3,285 | 8.7 (8.2–9.2) | 1,496 | 10.1 (9.3–11.0) | 1,038 | 7.2 (6.5–8.0)* | 751 | 9.4 (8.4–10.5) |
35–44 years | 16,757 | 43.4 (42.5–44.3) | 6,492 | 43.2 (41.7–44.7) | 6,419 | 41.7 (40.4–43.1) | 3,846 | 50.5 (48.6–52.3)* |
≥45 years | 21,382 | 47.9 (47.0–48.8) | 8,535 | 46.7 (45.2–48.2) | 9,073 | 51.1 (49.7–52.4)* | 3,774 | 40.1 (38.3–41.9)* |
Mother’s educational level | ||||||||
<High School | 4,770 | 13.3 (12.6–14.0) | 2,370 | 16.1 (14.9–17.4) | 1,437 | 10.9 (9.9–12.0)* | 963 | 12.8 (11.6–14.2)* |
High School | 6,394 | 22.3 (21.5–23.1) | 2,503 | 22.6 (21.3–24.0) | 2,232 | 20.2 (19.1–21.4)* | 1,659 | 29.0 (27.2–30.9)* |
Some college or college graduate | 10,535 | 24.4 (23.6–25.2) | 3,846 | 22.9 (21.7–24.2) | 4,108 | 24.4 (23.2–25.6)* | 2,581 | 29.4 (27.8–31.1)* |
> College graduate | 19,725 | 40.0 (39.2–40.9) | 7,804 | 38.4 (37.0–39.8) | 8,753 | 44.5 (43.2–45.8)* | 3,168 | 28.8 (27.2–30.4)* |
Mother’s marital status | ||||||||
Married | 29,234 | 67.8 (66.9–68.7) | 11,061 | 63.5 (62.0–65.0) | 12,359 | 72.2 (70.9–73.5)* | 5,814 | 64.6 (62.6–66.5) |
Widowed/divorced/separated | 6,951 | 23.1 (22.2–23.9) | 2,856 | 24.2 (22.8–25.6) | 2,548 | 21.0 (19.9–22.2)* | 1,547 | 27.3 (25.5–29.1)* |
Never married | 2,541 | 9.2 (8.6–9.8) | 1,433 | 12.3 (11.3–13.4) | 694 | 6.7 (6.0–7.6)* | 414 | 8.1 (7.0–9.5)* |
Parent aware of VFC program | ||||||||
Yes | 15,877 | 37.6 (36.7–38.5) | 6,192 | 36.6 (35.2–38.1) | 6,187 | 37.4 (36.1–38.7) | 3,498 | 41.3 (39.4–43.1)* |
No | 25,547 | 62.4 (61.5–63.3) | 10,331 | 63.4 (61.9–64.8) | 10,343 | 62.6 (61.3–63.9) | 4,873 | 58.7 (56.9–60.6)* |
Family income to poverty ratio | ||||||||
<133% | 10,380 | 31.5 (30.6–32.4) | 4,988 | 38.9 (37.4–40.4) | 2,997 | 23.3 (22.1–24.5)* | 2,395 | 38.5 (36.7–40.4) |
133%–<322% | 11,256 | 27.9 (27.1–28.8) | 4,055 | 25.6 (24.3–26.9) | 4,219 | 28.0 (26.8–29.3)* | 2,982 | 35.5 (33.7–37.3)* |
322%–<503% | 8,281 | 17.4 (16.8–18.1) | 2,903 | 14.2 (13.3–15.1) | 3,782 | 20.9 (19.9–22.0)* | 1,596 | 14.8 (13.6–16.1) |
>503% | 11,507 | 23.1 (22.4–23.9) | 4,577 | 21.4 (20.3–22.6) | 5,532 | 27.8 (26.7–29.0)* | 1,398 | 11.2 (10.1–12.3)* |
Medical insurance† | ||||||||
Private only | 24,016 | 51.4 (50.5–52.3) | 8,951 | 45.7 (44.2–47.2) | 10,804 | 59.0 (57.7–60.4)* | 4,261 | 41.0 (39.3–42.8)* |
Any Medicaid | 12,707 | 37.3 (36.4–38.3) | 5,585 | 43.0 (41.4–44.5) | 3,998 | 29.9 (28.6–31.2)* | 3,124 | 47.2 (45.3–49.1)* |
Other‡ | 3,181 | 7.0 (6.6–7.5) | 1,289 | 6.5 (6.0–7.2) | 1,235 | 7.4 (6.8–8.1)* | 657 | 7.1 (6.3–8.1) |
Uninsured | 1,520 | 4.2 (3.9–4.6) | 698 | 4.8 (4.1–5.5) | 493 | 3.6 (3.1–4.2)* | 329 | 4.7 (3.9–5.6) |
Well child visit at age 11–12 years¶ | ||||||||
Yes | 20,223 | 47.0 (46.1–47.9) | 7,952 | 45.2 (43.8–46.7) | 8,969 | 51.0 (49.6–52.3)* | 3,302 | 37.6 (35.8–39.4)* |
No | 9,518 | 22.2 (21.4–22.9) | 3,316 | 21.2 (20.0–22.4) | 3,147 | 19.3 (18.3–20.4)* | 3,055 | 36.2 (34.4–38.0)* |
Don’t know | 11,683 | 30.8 (30.0–31.7) | 5,255 | 33.6 (32.1–35.0) | 4,414 | 29.7 (28.5–31.0)* | 2,014 | 26.3 (24.6–28.0)* |
Parental report of provider recommendation for vaccine | ||||||||
Yes | 28,639 | 73.4 (72.5–74.3) | 11,497 | 74.0 (72.5–75.4) | 11,764 | 74.2 (72.9–75.5) | 5,378 | 68.3 (66.4–70.1)* |
No | 9,202 | 26.6 (25.7–27.5) | 3,497 | 26.0 (24.6–27.5) | 3,481 | 25.8 (24.5–27.1) | 2,224 | 31.7 (29.9–33.6)* |
Vaccination facility type | ||||||||
All private facilities | 20,483 | 52.8 (51.9–53.7) | 8,629 | 52.8 (51.3–54.3) | 9,730 | 59.4 (58.1–60.7)* | 2,124 | 27.6 (25.9–29.3)* |
All public facilities | 6,048 | 15.4 (14.7–16.1) | 2,016 | 15.1 (14.0–16.3) | 1,537 | 11.4 (10.4–12.4)* | 2,495 | 31.7 (29.9–33.5)* |
All hospital facilities | 4,911 | 10.0 (9.5–10.5) | 2,218 | 11.6 (10.7–12.5) | 1,698 | 8.8 (8.1–9.6)* | 995 | 9.3 (8.3–10.5)* |
All STD/school/teen clinics or other facilities | 705 | 2.1 (1.8–2.5) | 319 | 2.1 (1.7–2.6) | 252 | 2.2 (1.7–2.8) | 134 | 1.9 (1.3–2.6) |
Mixed** | 8,382 | 18.4 (17.8–19.1) | 2,915 | 17.0 (15.9–18.1) | 2,973 | 16.9 (15.9–17.9) | 2,494 | 29.0 (27.4–30.7)* |
Other†† | 599 | 1.3 (1.1–1.4) | 294 | 1.4 (1.1–1.7) | 249 | 1.3 (1.1–1.6) | 56 | 0.6 (0.4–0.9)* |
Abbreviation: VFC = Vaccines for Children; STD = sexually transmitted disease.
*Statistically different compared with adolescents living in mostly urban areas (p < .05).
†Insurance categories are mutually exclusive.
‡Includes Indian Health Service, military, Children’s Health Insurance Program, and some private.
¶Status of health-care visit at age 11–12 years based on provider-reported data.
**Mixed indicates that the facility is identified to be in more than one of the facility categories, such as private, public, hospital, and STD/school/teen clinics.
††Includes military, WIC clinics, and pharmacies.