Figure 4.
Histopathological studies. A) Control group, the portal tract and the hepatocytes in normal condition. B1) cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) group, neutrophil infiltration in the portal tract (arrows). B2) CLP group, neutrophil infiltration in the sinusoids, which can be seen easily with their dark nuclei (arrows). C) RD 50, the liver in normal condition without any neutrophil infiltration. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), 400×. D) RD 100 group, the portal tract and parenchyma in normal condition without any neutrophil infiltration. H&E, 400×. E) Indomethacin group, there is no sign of neutrophil infiltration in the portal tract or in the parenchyma. H&E, 400×